Teen Meditation Series

February 7, 2022
9:00 am
- 12:00 pm

Teen Meditation Series

A 4-week meditation series for teens

This meditation series is specifically designed for teens and youth looking to learn the practice of meditation. They will learn to settle into their emotions instead of running from them and to listen to the answers within.

This series will be guided by the amazingly talented Lisa Jardine {Reiki Master, Huna Practitioner, Meditation Teacher, and Registered Holistic Nutritionist}.

The weekly meditation sessions will also include teachings from Lisa on working with Crystals, Oracle Cards, and your Guides. She will be teaching about the Chakras and the energy healing of them.

Details on the Series

The sessions will be held VIRTUALLY on Monday evenings from 7-8pm starting on Monday, February 7th through to February 28th, 2022.

The use of crystals and singing bowls will be used. The weekly lessons will be held over Zoom. 

Participants will recieve a Rose Quartz crystal and a Selenite wand. 

Price: $120 +HST for the series

Much Love,
Andrea Rossi + Lisa Jardine

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