I’m excited to have Meagan and Casey from TruthfulMedicine come host a wonderful 2 hour workshop: Igniting our Chakras with Candle Magick.
Join us for this special workshop of movement, candle magick, and creative expression on October 16th, where you will be guided through an ascension of the 7 Sacred Gates, also known as the 7 major chakras.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word loosely translated as wheel. Each one is associated with different aspects of the human existence including emotions, glands, organs and tissues. These wheels of energy run up the spine and vibrate outward. They and are understood to be spinning disks of energy that process and mix in the external world with the internal. Throughout our life, particular energies can get stuck and distorts reality, resulting in emotional patterns, habits, dis-ease and tendencies that may not be for our highest good. Practices such as meditation, yoga, chi exercises as well as creative expression assist in processing these energies that may be out of balance.
In this event, we will enliven and awaken The 7 Sacred Gates through yoga, meditation and creativity. Through awareness of your own body and breathe, we will explore the different energies and themes within each chakra. The more aware we become of our bodies and how our subtle frequencies interact with the world around us, the more we can step forward into rebalancing the areas that could be blocked or out of harmony, bringing them more in-tune with our innate wisdom that lives within and without us.
Following the body activation, we will alchemize what has surfaced through candle magick. Using the power of ritual and intention, we will stir our essence into a candle using the vibrations of the elements, color, and scent. You will be creating your own custom candle to benefit a chakra of your choice for the highest good with crystals and essential oils.
Date: Saturday, October 16th
Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm
Cost: $55 + HST
Attire: comfortable clothes to do some gentle yoga in
What to bring: Journal and pen, yoga mats are provided but you can bring your own if you prefer.
Register for the event: Click here to register for the event
Meet your hosts:

Casey has been studying, serving and applying the multi-faceted teachings and tools of the healing world for over a decade. She studied Energywork Therapy at California Academy for the Healing Arts, Hatha style Yoga in India, Ayurveda in California, as well as many continuing education courses within the Western Mystery School Tradition exploring further Mysticism, Hermeticism and ancient healing tools. Blending her knowledge and wisdom gained though the understanding of the relationship of the body/soul/spirit connection, Casey is inspired by the beauty of human existence. She understands purifying the psyche and bringing in light allows us to step forward into our most expansive, empowered and abundant lives.

Meagan has an academic background in Organizational Development & Change, which formed the basis for her human relations approach to managing projects and teams in her professional life. She believes that effectiveness depends on the quality of relationships among the people working in any system and recognizes the value in individual strengths. She is a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner and is motivated by a deep sense of connection to self, others and divine oneness that exists in all realms of existence. Since everything is energy and the only constant is change, Meagan also understands the value of surrender and trust as key principles in creating joy and harmony. She brings these core values to her work today, organizing women’s circles and group mediation classes.
Meagan and Casey met though their connection within the TruthfulMedicine community. TM is a gathering of souls who all endeavor to live a life full of joy; one with more empowerment, trust and love. Together, they balance each-others energies by co-creating events and projects with ease. They are currently piloting an integration program with TruthfulMedicine, aimed at supporting others in their healing journey.
Join us in a night of connection, community and expression.
We look forward to sharing space.❤️