Summer Solstice Meditation

June 21, 2021
7:00 pm
- 8:00 pm

Summer Solstice Meditation

The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year and the shortest night. 

Join us on Tuesday, June 21st, 2022 for a special Summer Solstice Meditation, as we honor the beginning of the Summer season. Ignite the renewal of mind, body, spirit, and celebrate the creative expression and sense of joyfulness and fun that the sunshine evokes in all of us.

People have been celebrating the summer solstice since ancient times. Ancient Greek’s refereed to the Summer Solstice as the beginning of a New Year. Asian cultures associate the summer solstice with “yin” energy. The Divine Feminine. Celtic healers would have bonfires to increase the magic, they believed the magic for healing was strongest the night of the Summer Solstice. Flowers and crowns made of flowers were worn to honor Mother Earth and all she gives and would give for the harvest for the year.

I invite you to bring flowers (just a couple) from your gardens or wild picked as we welcome in a healing circle of mystical energy, calling in our energy from those that came before us to honor this magical night.

The meditation will be guided by the amazing Lisa Jardine, {Reiki Master, Huna Practitioner, Meditation Teacher, and Registered Holistic Nutritionist}. She will be guiding us through an evening of surrender and tranquility.

During the meditation Lisa will be intuitively tapping in to each of us, applying reiki energy healing as needed and helping us set the intentions for the next moon cycle. She works closely with the Archangels, crystals, and various singing bowls to help with healing and getting into a meditative state. Our moon meditations are around 50min in length.


Cost: $35 (+hst)

Location: Holistic Harmony – 195 Norseman Street, Unit 19, Etobicoke

Meditation space limited, make sure you RSVP!