Unlocking the Chakras through Yogic Practices

July 21, 2022
7:00 pm
- 8:30 pm

Unlocking the Chakras through Yogic Practices

The chakra system was discovered roughly 5,000 years ago. The ancient yogis tuned into these subtle vortices and discovered their innate wisdom and potentiality for greater existence. This exploration is still continuing to this day!

In modern times we use the knowledge and wisdom brought forward to assist in grounding, aliveness, and awakening to our intuitive abilities. They bring messages of where we can bring more balance, harmony and contemplation in our life. They are gateways to higher realms so that we may ascend the attachments of the earth plane!

During this workshop we will effectively activate these subtle energy centers by:

-Color and affirmation exploration to open communication channels to the chakras
-Use of sound currents through music and mantra to activate the sacred energy centers
-Specialized pranayama combined with mudra holds to awaken the chakras further
-Yoga asana to awaken the physical connections each chakra so we may harmonize the flow of the vortices

We will conclude with an extended, meditative savasana to integrate the awakening of these sacred centers.


Date: Thursday, July 21st
Time: 7 – 8:30pm
Cost: $40 + HST
Attire: comfortable clothes to do some gentle yoga in
What to bring: Journal and pen, yoga mats are provided but you can bring your own if you prefer.

Meet your host:

Casey has been studying, serving and applying the multi-faceted teachings and tools of the healing world for over a decade. She studied Energywork Therapy at California Academy for the Healing Arts, Hatha style Yoga in India, Ayurveda in California, as well as many continuing education courses within the Western Mystery School Tradition exploring further Mysticism, Hermeticism and ancient healing tools. Blending her knowledge and wisdom gained though the understanding of the relationship of the body/soul/spirit connection, Casey is inspired by the beauty of human existence. She understands purifying the psyche and bringing in light allows us to step forward into our most expansive, empowered and abundant lives.