Back to School: Supporting your Kids with Essential Oils

Back to School: Supporting your Kids with Essential Oils

Now that the kids are back to school, your family is going to be exposed to a warfare of germs, viruses, and pathogens. There will also be those sluggish mornings, and less than tranquil evenings, and worry over your child’s academic performance.

One of the best natural tools you can bring into your home that will help not only your kids with boosting their immunity, supporting their emotions, and increasing brain function, but they will also help support your own health and wellbeing, and these are essential oils!

Why Essential Oils?

I was originally drawn into using essential oils because of their ability to help us heal on a cellular level. My practice and personal beliefs stem from the concept that we all have the power to heal from within. Using the essential oils is another tool that I can give to my body to help it heal and run optimally.

Essential oils are ultimately the plants “essence”; what gives a plant it’s aroma and flavour. They’re 50-70 times more powerful that herbs. For example, peppermint plants smell like peppermint because of the essential oil in their leaves. And 1 drop of peppermint essential oils is the same as 28 cups of peppermint tea! Using 1 drop of peppermint to sooth a stomach, no problem. Drinking 28 cups of tea, well that’s not ideal! Lol!

For each plant, their essential oil is a critical part of their immune system. They use it for pollination in some cases but most importantly for protection against environmental threats and disease. The parts of each plant that has the most essential oils is the part that is the most vulnerable to attack, whether it’s the rind, leaves, bark, roots, sap, etc.

Essential oils are carbon based molecules and so are we! And this is why essential oils work so beautifully within our body to help support our health and wellbeing. It’s like the oils adopt us as their new host plant, protecting us, and helping us function optimally! 🌿

They provide us with their anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that help support our cells, boost our immune system, and fight infections.

When it comes to using essential oils, less is more! Refer to this great dilution chart by Rollerball when you’re blending oils for you and your little ones:

Best Essential Oils for Brain Support

This is probably one of my most favorite uses for the essential oils. Not only are they great for helping our immune system and overall health, but they have also been shown to improve our brain and cognitive function! 🧠

The most studied in brain function I think has to be Rosemary. For the science geeks like me out there, the main therapeutic compounds in rosemary are alpha-pinene and 1,8-Cineole. It helps protect our DNA against oxidation and increases cognitive function and memory. All while also being amazing at reducing inflammation, supporting our respiratory tract, and it’s even been shown to inhibit the proliferation or leukemia calls and breast carcinoma cells. The best way to use Rosemary essential oil would be to diffuse it in the mornings and during study time. You could also add a drop on their brush before you brush their hair.

The next big one to help with brain support would be the In Tune Focus Blend. The oils used in this blend have been studied and used traditionally for their abilities to promote calmness, focus and a balanced state of mind. The oils in this blend work together, supporting efforts of those who have difficulty paying attention and staying on task.

It contains Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Lime which promote a sense of clarity, while the benefits of Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, and Roman Chamomile are calming and soothing. You can apply this blend to the back of your children’s neck or down their spine as they are eating breakfast before they go off to school or even on the bottom of their feet morning and night and whenever needed throughout the day! You can talk with your school about letting your children apply it during school hours.

Best Essential Oils for Immune Support

All of the essential oils provide immune boosting effects, but I’m not going to list them all here. There is 1 main oil that is the powerhouse for immunity that you need.

And of course the #1 oil for immune support is On Guard. This protective blend and contains the top anti-bacterial and anti-vial oils providing a full range of protection. This oil will help your body fight off and kill any pathogens that you come into contact with. On Guard is a blend of Wild Orange, Clove Bud, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary. As of October 1st you should diffuse this oil in your home on a daily basis to provide everyone with daily immune support. Applying topically diluted in a roller bottle is also a great application, and internally for the older kids and adults.

Best Essential Oils for Sleep

One of the many amazing benefits of essential oils are their ability to help us sleep. My go to when I’m having a hard time sleeping are the Serenity Restful Blend and Balance Grounding Blend. Both of these oils work great on both kids and adults alike when it comes to sleep and even moods!

The Serenity Calming Blend is per its name very calming and can be used for children who are hyperactive or have difficulty concentrating as well as for sleep. It contains essential oils that are often used to calm and soothe feelings of stress, excitement, and anxiety. It’s great to help wound up kids calm down and settle in for a restful sleep. It contains the following essential oils: Lavender, Cedarwood, Ho Wood, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, Vanilla Bean, and Hawaiian Sandalwood Wood. You can put some oils in the bath, diffuse before bedtime, or even apply to the back of your kids neck before school if they’re hyperactive.

Lavender has been shown to calm the nervous system by lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and skin temperature – all processes which take place during the body’s natural transition to sleep. It’s also great for calming anxiety as well.

The Balance blend is called the grounding blend for it helps promotes tranquility while bringing harmony to the mind and body, and balance to the emotions. It contains the following essential oils: Spruce Needle/Leaf, Ho Wood, Frankincense Resin, Blue Tansy Flower, and Blue Chamomile Flower.

Blend for Anxiety and Stress Relief
30 drops Serenity
30 drops Balance
15 drops Vetiver
15 drops Geranium

Add to a 10ml roller bottle and fill with carrier oil (such as fractionated coconut oil). Apply to the bottom of your feet, the back of your neck, and your wrists and needed to lessen anxiety and stress.

I put together a summary of the main essential oils and their uses and application to help support you and your kids throughout the school year. It includes: morning routines, homework helpers, bedtime blends, and immune boosters. You can download it below:

Back to School Oil Guide

Fill in your contact information and I’ll send over my Back to School Guide to help with morning routines, homework helpers, bedtime blends, and immune boosters.

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Have more questions about essential oils, how to help your children more, or even how you can use them in your home? Sign up for a free 30 min essential oil consult with me to learn more:

Much Love,

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