Each chakra corresponds to massive nerve centers and major organs in the body. Each of the 7 main chakras also contain our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being. Find out how they affect your health
Does your hair, skin and nails have you feeling lack luster? They can be indicators of underlying health issues, like nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and the health of your digestive system.
Learn about the top essential oils and products I bring when I travel to keep me protected as well as my top 7 daily basic tips you can do daily to protect your immune system year-round.
Struggling with your health and think food sensitivities might be to blame? Not sure where to start or what options are available? Find out the pro’s and con’s of elimination diets and what my personal favorite way to test is! p.s. it’s fast and pai
Intimate products are often loaded with chemicals and other harmful products. Especially when it comes to products for sensitive areas, you want to make sure you’re using safe and natural products that won’t cause irritation or infections.
What happens when hormones stop playing nice? Learn about the 10 most commonly experienced signs and symptoms that are red flags for hormone imbalance.
Find out more about neurotransmitters and their roles in mental health for stress and mood in todays article. Plus, I’ll let you in on what doesn’t work, as well as one major thing you can do to help to boost your brain health, mental health.
When your body is experiencing external or internal stress, it will no longer function optimally creating a wide range on symptoms. An internal stress is often causes by our bodies attacking our own tissues and cells.