Did you know that there is a World Nutella Day? Until recently I didn’t, but I’m definitely going to embrace it! Well in a little more healthy way of course! 😉

The first World Nutella Day was established by the American blogger Sara Rosso on February 5th, 2007. She loved Nutella so much that thought it deserved a holiday… And Nutella fans loved it! They came together from all over the world to celebrate their passion for Nutella on social media through photos, recipes and messages.
You can read up more on this amazing day here: http://www.nutelladay.com/
Now although Nutella is delicious, the ingredients unfortunately are not so great… Not only is there 21g of sugar per serving (2tbsp), but it also contains inflammatory Palm Oil making less than desirable nut spread. Especially when it comes to fuelling your mornings you don’t want to start your day off with loads of sugar for you will inevitably have a sugar crash, usually around 3pm.
Meghan Telpner (fellow Nutritionist) breaks down Nutella in this post HERE.
That being said, I am still a fan of hazelnuts and chocolate (especially together!) so I tried a healthy DIY Nutella recipe this weekend that turned out pretty delicious so I thought I’d share with you.
Note that you can adjust the sweetness and salt content to your tastes. I cut the salt portion down from the original (mine turned out a little too salty for me). Better to have less and build up than to put too much like I did… And I personally prefer it on the less-sweet side, so you might want to increase the stevia to 1 tsp if needed.
I started by soaking my nuts for 24hrs before roasting them to remove the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors which can create digestive upset or flare up your immune system. If you have an autoimmune disease or if your digestive system is less than optimal, I would definitely encourage this step.
Sugar-Free Chocolate Hazelnut Spread
2 cups hazelnuts
1/3 cup coconut oil melted
6 tablespoons unsweetened cacao powder
1/4 tsp salt
¾ tsp liquid stevia
- In a dry skillet, toast your hazelnuts until fragrant, about 4-5minutes over medium heat.
- Place on a clean kitchen towel and allow to cool.
- Once cool rub towel over them to loosen and remove as much of their skins as possible.
- Place in a food processor or high powdered blender and process until fine crumbs.
- Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth.
- Taste and adjust salt and stevia if needed.
- Makes 12 ounces
This recipe was modified from the original posted by the Sugar Free Mom.
Let me know how your batch turns out!!
Now before I go, if you haven’t already downloaded my list of Top 10 Foods to Avoid and Top 10 Foods to Include to Beat the Bloat, you can download it HERE.
Happy World Nutella Day!!
Much Love,