Winter Immune Kit

Winter Immune Kit

Not sure about you, but I’ve been extra missing the sun since the time change a few weekends ago. And now that I’m 25 weeks pregnant (where is time going!?!), I’m making sure I’m taking my sunshine vitamin (vit D!) regularly as part of my supplement routine.

With the change of season, reduced sun exposure, colder temperatures, and an increase in sugar content (thanks to…Thanksgiving, Halloween, and now Christmas around the corner!), our immune systems need extra support to get us through this upcoming winter season.

For all things health and immune based, it’s important to remember that our body’s have the power within to support, heal, and also kill off any infections we come into contact with. Remembering the basics of health is key to having a strong immune system: proper nutrition (whole foods, low processed foods, low sugar, vitamins and minerals), movement/exercise, and sleep.

Although more studies are being done on the best ways to support our immune system, especially now as it relates to covid, many of them are about vitamin/mineral deficiencies. Giving your body the right tools is key to a good immune system. Although often our bodies are deficient in certain key vitamins and minerals (especially vitmain D in the winter!) But the good part is that it’s super easy to supplement! 👊👊👊

And that’s what I’m here to help you with – what’s the best way to support your immune system this winter?

So here it is…

So what’s included in the Winter Immune Kit?

This Winter Immune Kit contains 2+ months supply of products for you which will last you till the end of January/early February, and longer for some. More information below on products and supply length.

UltraZin Zinc: Zinc has been shown to be very helpful in immune support of viral infections, especially of the lungs. This specific formula is 30g of a liposomal style zinc which increases bioavailability and absorption by the body. You can learn more about this specific formula here: UltraZin Zinc Product Specifications.

Zinc supplementation improves the mucociliary clearance, which ultimately means that it helps the lungs remove any virus particles and reduces the risk of secondary infections. It also strengthens the tissue barrier of the lungs, decreases viral replication, and also balances the immune response during an infectious disease and inhibits hyper-inflammation to occur. It also has anti-oxidative effects reducing lung damage. Zinc shows to be very beneficial to the elderly or people with chronic diseases. You can read more information about zinc at the following links:

• The impact of zinc on COVID
• Zinc deficiencies and poor COVID outcomes
• Low zinc levels and poor COVID outcomes study

Vitamin C of course! Taking a daily dose of 2000mg is a great way to support your immune system. Vit C has many benefits but the key ones I’m looking for is its support on the immune system. It encourages the production of white blood cells which help fight against infection as well as helps them function more effectively. It’s also been shown to shorten recovery time of upper respiratory infections.

Vitamin D is also another important vitamin when it comes to supporting the immune system. A daily dose of 4000IU is ideal as we’re now becoming sunshine deprived and will continue to be for the next 4 months. More than 80 per cent of hospitalized COVID-19 patients at a hospital in Spain had a vitamin D deficiency. You can read more information about the study here. You can also read more about the benefits in an article I wrote here: Vitamin D – Are you getting enough?

HMF Immune Probiotics: As you know, I love to talk about gut health and that 80% of our immune system is in our gut. Taking a daily probiotic is key in keeping your immune system in check. Any of the Genestra HMF probiotics would be ideal to take as they are human strains (vs cow strains) and our body recognizes them easily. But their HMF Immune probiotics are formulated with specific strains that were shows to reduce the risk of developing and the duration of upper respiratory tract illnesses. It also has Vitamin C (100mg) and D (1000IU).

Product Summary:

1. UltraZin Zinc (90 capsules, 3 months supply, 30mg dosage)
2. Vitamin C 1000 (120 capsules, 2 months supply, 2000mg dosage)
3. D 1000 (30ml, many months!, 3000IU dosage)
4. HMF Immune (2 packs of 30 capsules, 2 months supply, 1 capsule dosage)

The regular price for all these products is $208 + tax. I have put this package together for you with a $23 savings and free shipping! 👏Total cost is $185 + HST. Best part, it will get delivered to you door, wherever you are in Canada, within 1 or 2 days of your order!

Click the PayPal button below to purchase and receive the supplement protocol.

If you would like anything else added to the package, a longer supply, or another changes, let me know before purchasing and I can customize a kit for you. ❤️

Much Love and thank you for your continued support!

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